So what is “Real” Manuka Honey, exactly? Here are a few things to look out for to ensure you’re getting your money’s worth:
Comes from New Zealand, just like real champagne comes from France. New Zealand’s Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) set new standards for what can be exported to the United States as “Manuka Honey” after August 2018.
Is labeled as Monofloral (predominantly from the Manuka flower, ensuring its unique properties), or "Multifloral" (a blend of Manuka and other New Zealand wildflowers), both types with a clearly labeled MGO level.
Has the UMF™ independent certification, guaranteeing specific levels of Manuka’s three key compounds.
Comes from real beekeepers. Choose a company with their own beekeeping operation, that is a responsible steward to the planet and its people. Manuka Honey is one of the Earth’s most rare and precious natural resources. Both the Manuka Flower and honey bees are incredibly sensitive to changing climate, so it matters that Manuka Honey is harvested sustainably and regeneratively. It also matters that it comes from equitable partnerships with beekeepers and New Zealand’s indigenous Māori people, who have valued the benefits of the Manuka flower for centuries